In Too Deep
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:55 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
All Killer No Filler
Song Author
Deryck Whibley and Greig Nori
File Size
56 KB
The fast-er we're fall-ing We're stop-ping and stall-ing We're run-ning in cir-cles a-gain. Just as things were look-ing up You said it was-n't good e-nough But still we're try-ing one mo-re time. May-be we're just try-ing too hard. When real-ly it's clo-ser than it it to-o far. Coz I'm in too deep, and I'm tryin' to keep, up a-bove in my head. In-stead of go-ing un-der. Coz I'm in too deep, and I'm tryin' to keep, up a-bove in my head. In-stead of go-ing un-der, In-stead of go-ing un-der. Seems like each time I'm with you I lose my mind Be-cause I'm bend-ing o-ver back-wards to re-late. It's one thing to com-plain but when you're driv-ing me in-sane Well then I think it's time that we took a break. May-be we're just try-ing too hard. When real-ly it's clo-ser than it is to-o far. Coz I'm in too deep, when I'm tryin' to keep, up a-bove in my head. In-stead of go-ing un-der. Coz I'm in too deep, When I'm tryin' to keep, Up a-bove in my head. In-stead of go-ing un-der. 'Stead of go-ing un-der ('Stead of go-ing un-der) 'Stead of go-ing un-der. I can't sit back and won-der why. It took so long for this to die. Well I hate it. When you fake it. You cant hide it you might as well em-brace it. So Be-lieve me. It's not ea-sy. It seems that some-thing's tell-ing me. I'm in too deep, when I'm tryin' to keep, up a-bove in my head. In stead of go-ing un-der. Coz I'm in too deep, when I'm tryin' to keep. Up a-bove in my head. In stead of go-ing un-der, 'stead of go-ing un-der. In stead of go-ing un-der as-gain. In stead of go-ing un-der, 'stead of go-ing un-der a-gain. In stead of go-ing un-der, in stead of go-ing un-der a-gain.